Hotel du Vin, Exeter, EX2 4HY
Individual and inspiring meeting rooms, all supported with a dedicated events organiser, plus free wi-fi, the tuck shop selection of sweets, pads, pencils and audio visual equipment.
07 Sep 2017
Hotel du Vin, Exeter, EX2 4HY (View on map)
It’s very rare nowadays for an employee to stay with one employer for life, and millennials are quick to move if they’re not finding what they’re looking for in their existing workplace.
This means that organisations, who want to realise their potential, need to be able to:
This is a challenge for all leaders and business owners, but one which can be made easier if we have an understanding of what motivates the 21st century employee. While every individual will have their own motivators, there are clear trends and research to show how what motivates employees has changed significantly over time and, as employers, we may not be getting it right.
The Gallup “State of the Global Workplace Report (2015) shares robust research showing that there are now:
Are you clear what motivates your employees?
What separates the motivations of Millennials from previous generations?
Is money always a motivator…or can it even de-motivate?
The session will help attendees to:
In our highly competitive world it is important that organisations perform at their optimum level……is yours?
The session will be interactive, fun and thought provoking, with learning from one another positively encouraged, and with everyone coming away with knowledge which can be immediately applied to further releasing the potential of employees.
Individual and inspiring meeting rooms, all supported with a dedicated events organiser, plus free wi-fi, the tuck shop selection of sweets, pads, pencils and audio visual equipment.