Hotel du Vin, Exeter, EX2 4HY
Individual and inspiring meeting rooms, all supported with a dedicated events organiser, plus free wi-fi, the tuck shop selection of sweets, pads, pencils and audio visual equipment.
19 Apr 2018
Hotel du Vin, Exeter, EX2 4HY (View on map)
Does your organisation learn the lessons from its failures?
Do you have a system that promulgates lessons learned throughout your organisation?
Failures in a business are often swept under the carpet as those involved do not wish to dwell on them. And yet that is when the most valuable lessons can be learned. If a business is not to repeat such lessons they need to be recorded and promulgated.
This session will allow you to understand the lessons that can be learned from failures within a business and how to instigate a blame free culture that allows such lessons to be learned from and not repeated.
You will see return on investment as you will return to your workplace with tools that you will be able to utilise and use immediately.
This session will enable attendees to:
If you are in a position of leadership and want to achieve business success, this course is for you!
The Sampson Hall team are dynamic, knowledgeable and inspiring presenters, the session will be interactive and challenging. You will be surrounded by likeminded individuals and will come away enthused and energised. Interaction and learning from one another is positively encouraged.
Phil Sampson is a talented strategist, who inspires and motivates. He fundamentally understands the challenges businesses face and how to overcome them!
Steve Franks, MD, Water Babies
Individual and inspiring meeting rooms, all supported with a dedicated events organiser, plus free wi-fi, the tuck shop selection of sweets, pads, pencils and audio visual equipment.