Learning has been transformed in the last five years as new trends and technologies are introduced. There are now many wearable devices, gamification techniques and socially enabled technologies that have changed the learning environment and now companies have got to get to grips with these new ways if they are to gain a competitive advantage. Learning has become more engaging through connectivity and participation. No longer is it a chore it now becomes fun!
Learning has shifted from the attainment of specific skill sets to the effective engagement and inclusivity of all staff in an organisation’s success. The modern VUCA age where volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are the norm requires engaged staff who show their ability and agility to execute an organisation’s strategy in a fast moving and dynamic business environment. Organisational development now firmly involves out the box thinking as the world of gamification creates virtual, decision making environments and enables more realistic, quicker, more efficient and much better retained learning.
Key to this new world is the development of leaders who can engage and empower their organisations to success to grow talent that is fit for the modern business environment. Sampson Hall specialise in using these modern techniques to develop individuals, leaders and organisations in a coherent and engaging way. They employ the whole gamut of technologies from Oculus Rift and gamification to on line learning which can be blended with classroom facilitation and coaching and mentoring. By combining these capabilities Sampson Hall have the ability to excite and transform an organisation through compliance training, cyber and personal security, leadership, teamwork, and organisational transformation in a cohesive yet cost effective way using new learning technologies to give their clients the best possible learning experience to suit the challenges of today’s dynamic world.
From board level to shop floor, from one to one bespoke to blended to e-learning, we have a solution.
Contact us or ring for a chat on 0844 848 9594