Strategise for 2019

Hotel Du Vin

About this course

Do you know how successful your business is?

What metrics do you use to measure your business?

How often do you look strategically at your business?

Many people don’t look at their business strategically often enough. By becoming too engaged in the detail they use common and normally financial metrics to measure progress and success.

The end of the year offers an excellent opportunity to intelligently review how far you have come and what you will need to change to achieve the outcome that you want. This may mean looking at your business completely differently.

Our breakfast sessions are designed to offer instant return on investment, enabling participants to return to the workplace with tools and information that can be immediately utilised. 

This session will enable attendees to:

  • Understand the importance of working “on” and not always “in” your business
  • Work on a philosophy of continuous improvement
  • Set smart goals and maintain momentum
  • Understand how money may just be one of the metrics to measure success

If you are a business owner, Director or in a position of leadership and you are wanting to achieve greater success and business growth, then this business breakfast is for you!

Phil Sampson is a dynamic, knowledgeable and inspiring speaker, who has presented to business leaders and organisations internationally, he brings a wealth of experience, is an accredited executive coach and fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management.

The session affords some great networking opportunities and you will be surrounded by like-minded individuals. Participation and sharing of business and leadership experiences are encouraged under Chatham House rule. You will come away feeling enthused and inspired.


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Hotel du Vin, Exeter, EX2 4HY

Hotel du Vin, Exeter, EX2 4HY

Individual and inspiring meeting rooms, all supported with a dedicated events organiser, plus free wi-fi, the tuck shop selection of sweets, pads, pencils and audio visual equipment.