Magdalen Chapter
An iconic building formerly the West of England Eye Hospital, now a luxury hotel with great food and meeting facilities.
Has your business succeeded because of, or in spite of, your leadership?
How do you improve as a leader?
A business needs strategic leadership to thrive, succeed and to gain the greatest performance from its staff and resources. This session will help you to understand the importance of business leadership, define your own leadership style and measure your ability to lead a business against your own criteria.
Good leadership is about motivating and influencing your people to achieve more than the constraints and controls of management will allow; good management can enable high performance but to achieve exceptional performance good leadership is required.
You will see return on investment as you will return to your workplace with tools that you will be able to utilise and use immediately.
This session will enable attendees to:
If you are in a position of leadership wanting to achieve, or continue to achieve, business success this course is for you!
The Sampson Hall team are dynamic, knowledgeable and inspiring presenters, the session will be interactive and challenging. You will be surrounded by likeminded individuals and will come away enthused and energised. Interaction and learning from one another is positively encouraged.
I would recommend Sampson Hall’s Strategic Risks module as a must for all businesses that are drawing up their medium to long-term plans and want to ensure their success.
Dr Katie Porkess MSc, MBA, PhD of Katie Porkess Consultancy.
Places limited to allow for interaction and discussion
Price includes À la carte Breakfast and all course materials.
An iconic building formerly the West of England Eye Hospital, now a luxury hotel with great food and meeting facilities.